Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tis the Season to be Ripped Off?

I have officially experienced my first pick pocketing experience that I have heard Rome is notorious for.  After I finished my final at about 4:00 in the afternoon I began to walk home on the main road.  As I approached a cross walk that was connecting to Piazza Truilusa.  I did not feel anything but I must of sensed something because I turned around to find a mans arm in my backpack!  I was taken so off guard and I screamed really really loud.  I did not even know I could scream that loudly.  Many people on the street turned, I made dead on eye contact with the man (he could not of been more than 5ft tall) and then he darted across the street.  Phew!  Luckily, since I was just coming from school I did not have anything one me except my house keys, three lollipop wrappers (strawberry flavored), a lousy red notebook, a pen that I found on the classroom floor, some post-its with my favorite quotes, and a punch card from my favorite deli.  All together worth about 2 euro.  Luckily, I did not have my laptop on me.

Today is a big day in Rome for the Italian people.  Italy’s Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is up for a vote of confidence or no confidence today. This is a very important subject for Italians and Italy. The city center was taken over by strikers and demonstrators and buses and trams were shutdown. Italians are generally very peaceful protesters and there is no reason to be overly alarmed, but the tone of the protests and strikes could change depending on the results of today’s vote.  In the late afternoon the results were announced and chaos resulted in the city.  As I was in my final, sirens began to fill up the streets as car booms  went off in the middle of the town.  As I walked out of my final, the police were at our school and I was told I would not be allowed to leave campus until the rioting settled down.  Hours later, I arrived home safe and sound and my apartment has never felt so cozy. 

In class today, my history teacher is kind of a joker and always shows us interesting clips about what is going on in Italy.  On Saturday, the prime minister gave a speech to the Italian youth regarding the current economic condition and the climbing unemployment rate, “I suggest you find a rich man to marry -- or, in the very least, go abroad to find work. And in this suggestion, I am absolutely serious.”  WHAT?! As of today he was just re-elected due to the corrupt system of the transformismo.  I mean that’s great sound Economic advice to give to a conference of students who are worried about their future. NOT!  I am halfway there to winter break with only two more finals left!  I can practically hear the Christmas bells ringing!

1 comment:

  1. Malia--The Bells are ringing loudly now as Christmas is just around the corner. According to the NYT, the naughty list has been finalized! Your dad is pacing and checking the mailbox for his hat! Safe travels to you and study hard. The Powers family awaits!! Thank you for a wonderful and blessed experience to be remenbered forever.
