Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rome by Night

Last night Tara and I decided to hike up Gianicolo Hill which is the highest point in Rome.  I have recently written a research paper on the Italian leader Garibaldi who was a commander and key player in the unification of Italy.  Gianicolo hill is one of the last places that Garibaldi’s Italian troops tried to hold off the numerically superior French forces.  At the top of the hill there is a huge statue of Garibaldi on a horse.  Gianicolo hill is also thought to place where Saint Peter had his upside down crucifixion.  Even if I had failed to experience this surge of Italian nationalism, once at the top of the hill there is sweeping panoramas of the Vatican on one side and the entirety of Rome from the other side.  We strategically decided to go the hill when it was dark (and not raining but clear skies) so we would be able to see all of Rome lit up at night.  Rome, during the day has its own special charm but at night, when the lamp-posts in the road turn on, the city seems like an entirely new place.  From above you could see the colors of lamps reflect colors on the Tiber River, hear the people below, and see the numerous twinkling bell towers and domes scattered across the skyline.  At exactly 7:00, the entire city began to ring from the different bell towers.  It was almost as if the city was singing its own song, and from that high up, I could hear over 20 different bells ringing.  Living in a huge city can sometimes be overwhelming and it is nice to escape and perch up above and view the hustle and bustle below.  I have my first final exam tomorrow in Developmental Economics. 


  1. Malia--A most wonderful experience as in the famous song of Silver Bells! I see in your final days the Study in Abroad has returned! The weekend was full of Christmas shopping and your Aunt and I took in The Tourist as well. Numerous movies to be released in the coming weeks. Jillian sung in a wonderful Christmas production Sunday at our Church complete with Orchestra and all of the choirs....a very special moment to remember how blessed we are in this amazing year. I understand the special Power tree arrived over the weekend for your homecoming. This Sunday we celebrate a huge birthday of life in our family. Study hard and Merry Christmas to you and your friends. Safe travels please!

  2. Took your recommendation and watched the Glee Christmas show last night......fantastic!!

  3. Malia sounds like a fantastic hike, one of which you will never forget. Good luck in your finals and enjoy your remaining days on a spectacular journey of Italy. Rome is a very special place definitely my favorite big city in the world.. I think it is very safe to say that you took advantage of your time in Italy and will have a lifetime of memories and new found friends. Look forward to having you home. BTW: Fantastic work on all your blogs it was great living through your experiences, Love Dad
