Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

This morning I slept in because today is a national holiday.  Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!  To the Roman Catholic, December 8th is a significant date, not to be treated lightly. As a holy day of obligation, a Catholic is required by the fist precept of the church to attend mass.  All public offices and schools are closed although shops will be open to mark the first day of the Christmas shopping season. Many Romans will also take off Monday 7 December to make a long weekend or ponte as it is called in Italian.  At 4:00 today, Pope Benedict XVI will be driven to Piazza Mignanelli, adjoining the Spanish steps in the heart of Rome, in an act of homage to the Virgin Mary. Here he kneels in prayer and leaves a floral tribute that is hoisted to the statue of the Madonna on the top of the column. According to tradition he is also greeted by the mayor of the city, Gianni Alemanno.  When I woke up this morning my roommate Tara and I stayed in bed and watched the Christmas episode of Glee.  The episode got us into the Christmas spirit as made hash browns and eggs for breakfast while listening to Christmas music.  After, as I was packing my backpack to find a café to study in I heard a loud band playing outside.  I went to my outside balcony and their was a parade procession of bands in celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  My day will be spent studying and hopefully a run as a study break!

1 comment:

  1. Malia! I was beginning to wonder as to the where abouts of our daily morning blog! I have no number to call for missing blogs. Yes, Christmas is here as I am hosting a Bank dinner for 16 this evening. The weather is cool in Dallas but mild while in Chicago the temp was zero this morning and forecasted to be minus six by the weekend! At least I have had lunch by now as the discussion of hash browns would have made me quite Christmas breakfast as a matter of fact. TCU is headed to the Rose Bowl and we have friends attending the parade and game! This weekend Jillian sings and next week is the last week of school. Thank you for sharing with your blog. This has been priceless. Merry Christmas to you and your friends and travels to y'all please!! Study study and write. Well done!
